Ntradex Exchange Steps Learn the steps to starting and completing an exchange.

How the eXchange works

You login or sign up if you haven't already done so.

When logged in, update your settings by registering your local bank and Canadian bank account details you wish to transact with.

After observing the exchange rates on your Dashboard, you click on Exchange

On the Exchange page, you select the Payment method you wish to transact with under the Buy or Sell category, once selected, input Amount and click on Proceed.

After clicking on Proceed, you're redirected to the Buy or Sell review page, you review all your inputs and observe the calculated amount to be Paid or Received.

If you're selling, when you click on Continue, you're redirected to a "Sell Successful" page with an email containing futher instructions.

If you're buying, when you click on Continue, you're redirected to a page containing bank account information as well as further instructions.

After making the transfer to Ntradex with the right reference code, click on 'Payment Complete'.

After confirmation of receipt and verification of transaction, a confirmation email will be sent to you and you will be credited in into your respective account.

If you get stuck on any of the steps please Contact Support or chat with us here, we are always available to help.